TiCoat® Surface Protect™ Topcoat is applied in uniform layer to form a permanently bonded protective coating. Powered by any light (including LED) TiCoat® is a photocatalyst which actively and constantly cleans and deodorizes surfaces. It is literally - Always Cleaning, All the Time.™
TiCoat® is designed for both indoor and exterior use and can be applied to both solid and flexible materials including textiles.
Long Lasting Protection, Self-Cleaning With Light:

Bathrooms - Treat all surfaces for surface protection, slip resistance, reduction in cleaning frequency and ODOR control.

Stone, Wood & Tile Floors - Treat for surface protection, slip resistance and reduction in cleaning frequency.

Windows - Treat for surface protection, fingerprint mitigation and reduction in cleaning frequency.

Kitchens & Commissaries – Treat all counter tops and appliances. Treat for surface protection and reduction in cleaning frequency.

Offices, Living Quarters, Community Spaces & Furniture - Treat for surface protection, reduction in cleaning frequency and ODOR control.

Locker Rooms - Treat for surface protection, reduction in cleaning frequency and ODOR control.

Windows - Treat for surface protection, fingerprint mitigation and reduction in cleaning and power washing frequency.

Stone & Paver Walks -Treat for slip resistance, faster drying surfaces and prevention of surface contaminants and stains. Surface contaminants and stains (e.g., dirt, grease, smoke, mold, pollen, algae, bird droppings) will not stick to TiCoat® treated surfaces and wash away easily.